
Worship Teams

Worship at Modesto Covenant Church


Worship Teams

Worship at Modesto Covenant Church

Worship Arts Community


Every week, you'll see our worship band and vocal team(s) up on the stage. Being up on a stage doesn't mean that we see ourselves as rock stars. It's just easier to lead from where everyone can see us. We don't have the heart to show off, but we DO have a heart to show the way to honoring Jesus. Often, our orchestra & vocal ensemble are up there leading worship as well. Once a month you will get to hear the sweet rings of our bell choir - (Scroll for more information). We also facilitate a large seasonal choir during Christmas & Easter.

Because we are a multi-generational church, we consider that in our Sunday worship services.  We lead worship using a lot of contemporary music with electric guitar and drums, but we also love to sing an old hymn or throw in a Gaither type song together. 

One of our main practices as a body of believers is to worship. We exist to worship God and were created for this purpose!  Worship is not just a Sunday morning activity; we refer to it as a lifestyle. At Modesto Covenant Church, our main venue for equipping and inspiring worship is in our multi-generational services on Sunday mornings.

If you would like more information about being involved in worship arts ministries, please email Joey Coray, our worship pastor, at You can get started by filling out the Worship Arts Sign Up Form


Vocal Teams & Seasonal Choir

Vocal Teams & Seasonal Choir


Our Vocal Team Leaders is a group made up of those who are more comfortable leading a song on their own or picking out a harmony part on their own.


Our Vocal Ensemble is a group of singers who are each on individual microphones who lead worship every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. They are on the stage as worship leaders, helping people honor the Lord in praise. Rehearsals are on at 7:00pm only on the Wednesdays prior to the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month.


Our Choir gathers during the Christmas and Easter seasons. This is often for a special Christmas event, and to provide boosted energy to Easter Sunday worship.

We would love for you to join us! Please contact Pastor Joey Coray at or sign up here.  


Orchestra & Bell Choir

Orchestra & Bell Choir


Our Orchestra plays about twice a month.  Even though they aren't standing with microphones, we still believe that they are worship leaders. All of our instrumentalists have an important roll in creating a sound landscape that inspires people’s hearts to praise Jesus. We welcome all music reading instrumentalists to join (high school age and up). We rehearse every other week on Thursdays at 7:00pm. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Joey at or sign up here.


Our Bell Choir offers us a beautiful traditional sound once a month. They also play for special all church performance events. If you are interested and you are a proficient music reader, please email our bell choir director, Colleen Haire at hairehutch@comcast.