


In an isolating time it is crucial that we discover ways to walk in Christ together. Though it may require some creativity, there is great opportunity for growth and transformation in Christ. We think that the small size of Triads make them nimble, practical, and safe for this time

The simple vision of triads is to covenant with two others for spiritual encouragement and prayer. The two guiding questions are basic to following Jesus -- 1) What is God saying to you? 2) How are you going to respond to what God is saying?

How to run a triad:

Invite - The most likely way someone will join a triad is for them to be personally invited by someone to join their group. Think and pray about people in your circles that would be drawn to walk with during this time.

Establish a rhythm - Block out a regular time to meet. Figure out frequency and duration of meeting. I think these groups will work best if they are at least once every two weeks. This could be in a backyard, on a walk, on a zoom call, or on a group phone call. The plan is for these triads to run from mid-January to late March.

Be honest - While it may be new or uncomfortable to talk about your life and what God is saying, these groups will only be as effective as you are honest. Lead through transparency.

Pray - after sharing take time to pray for each other based on the sharing.

“Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another.” Hebrews 10:25

If you are running a triad please let pastor Zach know (— he’s curious who is gathering and is available to coach leaders.