Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are transitioning our normal Sunday morning Connection communities to content-based gatherings that meet during the week. You are welcome to attend more than one class, but we ask that you commit to each class for its duration. Please note that courses run varying lengths. After signing up, you will be contacted by the class leader with a Zoom link and other info. Each class will last about an hour.
SUNDAYS - On Zoom from 10:15-11AM
Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88536235693. Meeting ID: 885 3623 5693
DATES: September 13 - December 20
Psalm 145:4 proclaims, “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” Come share life and wisdom with adults of all ages. The conversation will center on the pastoral message of the day and ask two big questions: What is God saying, and what are we going to do about it?
Led by the Generations Team
THE alpha Course
DATES: September 14 - November 30
We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore faith, ask questions, and share their point of view. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone’s welcome. It runs online, in cafés, churches, universities, homes—you name it. No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have three key things in common: hospitality, a talk and good conversation.
Led by George Pugh
DATES: September 15 - November 17
Grow practically and spiritually, be inspired, and create a real financial future for you and your family. Learn and progress through Ramsey’s 7 financial “Baby Steps”. Dates: September 15th - November 17th. This course costs $129 which includes access course content and the EveryDollar budgeting app. *Some kind donors have reached out and financial assistance for course fees is available. Contact zach.riley@mcclife.net for more information.
Led by Matt Silva and Dave Erickson
DATES: September 17 - November 19
Peter Scazzero learned the hard way: you can't be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Even though he was the pastor of a growing church, he did what most people do:
Avoid conflict in the name of Christianity
Ignore his anger, sadness, and fear
Use God to run from God
Live without boundaries
Eventually God awakened him to a biblical integration of emotional health and the spiritual practice. It created nothing short of a spiritual revolution in Scazzero, in his church, and now in thousands of other churches. Join us this fall as we slow down to pursue emotional and spiritual health together. This will be a video and discussion based course.
Led by Shawn and Brenda Kiley
The early church were in the habit of being together -- a lot. We read in Acts 2:46 that “every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” Notice how the church gathered in both “the temple” and in “homes.” There is great value for our shared life in Christ in both contexts - community in a larger setting like temple (for us Sunday worship and/ or Connections) as well as smaller, more intimate settings like homes. Oikos group (which means home, family, or household) is about pursuing the way of Jesus together in a home setting with a group of about eight adults. The time will consist of eating, worship, and discussion about the intersection of our lives with God's kingdom. Safely is a priority in this time and we believe it is safe to gather to outdoors (with social distance) in small groups this fall. The small adjustments like bringing your own food instead of potluck style, is a small sacrifice for the chance to meet in person. Different Oikos groups will meet at various times in various locations this fall. Groups meet every other week for about two hours and will begin in mid to late September. Leaders will be trained by Zach Riley.
DATES: September 14 - October 5 (Four Week Course)
Pandemic or not, grief doesn’t take a break. GriefShare has developed a series of brief videos (15 mins or less) and discussion questions on issues that grieving people are facing in today’s reality. Van and Nancy Switzer will be hosting a 4-week Zoom session. Topics over the 4 weeks include: 1. Covid-19 and Grief, 2. Anxiety & Grief 3. Loneliness in Grief 4. Searching for a New Normal After Loss.
Please contact Van and Nancy Switzer at 209-765-2204 for further information.
THURSDAYS from 7-8:30 PM
DATES: September 10 - December 17
DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. This will be a Zoom-based course.
For any questions, information or if a scholarship is needed for the workbook: Contact Terry @ tglewis59@gmail.com.
TUESDAYS at 9:30 - 11:30 AM
DATES: September 22 - November 17
For All Women - it’s coming in September! TNT, Truth on Tuesdays, is featuring a DVD driven Bible study by Jen Wilkin. As we study 1 Peter, we will be challenged to look beyond our circumstances to our living hope in Christ. Please let us know of your interest and a study guide ($14.50) will be reserved by notifying Carole Phillips (carole.g.phillips@gmail.com) or Melinda Riley (209) 522-3576. The guides will be available at the MCC office where you can turn in payment (checks made out to MCC). Hope to see you for our new study and even some new faces, too.
We will surely miss our Wednesday Night Clubs and Choir this fall. But make sure to sign up for our Children’s Ministry Wednesday emails! These will go out on Wednesday afternoon for some at home Wednesday Night Family fun!